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They said the quiet part too loudly?

Project 2025 was spearheaded by an extremist conservative think tank – The Heritage Foundation – with the involvement of over 100 other conservative groups. Together, they outlined their objectives for a Trump presidency; complete with a database of suggested political appointees, training manuals, and a forthcoming "playbook" for Trump's first 180 days.

Their radical goals seek to reshape our government in a way that could undo decades of progress on issues ranging from student loan forgiveness and taxation, to foreign affairs and national security.

Here are a few quick examples:

  • Environmental destruction by gutting regulations, cutting funding for climate research, and boosting fossil fuel production;
  • Escalating the war on reproductive freedom through a national abortion ban, restricting access to contraception, and penalizing health care providers;
  • Attacks on LGBTQIA+ civil rights with targeted efforts to alienate transgender Americans; and
  • A hyper-partisan takeover of important government agencies like the FBI and the Department of Justice — turning them into tools for their extremist agenda.

They made their objectives crystal clear. Now, it's up to us to fight back — but I cannot do it alone.

Their plan threatens the very foundation of our democracy​ — and unfortunately for them, saying the "quiet part" aloud has landed them in hot water:

Yesterday, the director of the project agreed to step down after Project 2025 received criticism — however, the organization will continue to function and seek the implementation of Project 2025 as outlined.

They want to sweep this back under the rug and hope we forget before the election — but they already showed their hand. We have to keep talking about Project 2025. We have to hold them accountable and fight back.

Their plan is not just conservative — it is authoritarian and aims to transform our country into an autocratic state — and now they want to act like they never said all that? No chance. They can lie about their plans all they want, but millions of Americans like you and I know better than to let them get away with that in November.

Yours in the fight,


Posted on July 31, 2024.

Meet Jim

Jim McGovern represents the 2nd District of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. He has earned a national reputation as a tireless advocate for his district and as a champion for food security, human rights, campaign finance reform, social justice and peace.

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