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Same menu, different waiter

After an astounding 22 days of sheer pandemonium, the House Republicans have finally scrounged up someone extreme enough to become Speaker of the House.

While this new Speaker, Mike Johnson, may not be as insatiably attention-craving as Jim Jordan, make no mistake, he's dishing out the same vile, election-denying trash. It's the same menu, different waiter.

Here's a little bit about our new Speaker of the House, Mike Johnson:

  • He proudly spearheaded a charge of 125 House Republicans, pushing an amicus brief, essentially begging the Supreme Court to overturn the 2020 election results.
  • He earned the dubious honor of being labeled "the most important architect" of the shameless Electoral College objections on January 6, 2021.
  • He couldn't contain his delight when Roe v. Wade was overturned, describing it as "an extraordinary day," and has since supported multiple national abortion bans.
  • He has publicly shared his sinister agenda to gut Social Security and Medicare.

Mike Johnson encapsulates the extremism of the Republican party, and allowing them to maintain control of the House is a recipe for disaster.

Can you chip in now and join the fight for a Democratic House? Let's show these MAGA Republicans that the real power lies with the people, not with the purveyors of chaos and extremism.

Together, we can retake the House and defend our democracy!

Yours in the fight,


Posted on October 25, 2023.

Meet Jim

Jim McGovern represents the 2nd District of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. He has earned a national reputation as a tireless advocate for his district and as a champion for food security, human rights, campaign finance reform, social justice and peace.

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